In this article I will cover the top 5 important SEO robots meta tags that every SEO beginner and expert should know about.
none robot meta tag:
<meta name="robots" content="none" />
If you want Google bots to not follow links present on your webpage and should not index your webpage, then you can use this tag. This tag is equivalent to noindex and nofollow.
notranslate robot meta tag:
<meta name="google" value="notranslate">
By adding this robot tag, you can disable automatic translation of your webpage. If you don't specify this tag, Google has the permission to translate your webpage.
noarchive robot meta tag:
<meta name="google" value="noarchive">
To not show cached page or cached link in search results, you can use this tag.
Each web page is saved by Google as a backup in case the current page is unavailable. It's known as a cached link.
noimageindex robot meta tag:
<meta name="robots" content="noimageindex" />
You can use this tag on your webpage if you don't want to index images of your webpage. If you don't specify this value, images on the page may be indexed and shown in search results.
nosnippet robot meta tag:
<meta name="robots" content="nosnippet" />
Use this tag on your page if you don't want Google to display a text snippet of your content. This tag instructs Google bots not to show any page snippets on the SERP.
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