This is the new series of this SEO newsletter in this we will talk weekly or biweekly on SEO News, Google Updates and about Google’s John Mueller answers.
So let's first talk about this week's SEO news:
Some sitemap extension tags are going away.
This is confirmed by Google. The XML tags or attributes that will be deprecated are given below. These deprecated tags will have no effect on indexing and search features after August 6, 2022.
Image sitemap tags that are going away are - caption, geo_location, title and license
Video sitemap tags that are going away are - category, player_loc[@allow_embed], player_loc[@autoplay], gallery_loc, price[@all] and tvshow[@all]
Read the Google update news
Google My Business Profile Update
Google has added a new option in the Business Redressal Complaint Form under the "Identify the content on Google Maps that you claim might lead to fraudulent activity" drop down. The new option is "this business doesn't exist"
To check the this new feature click here
Google Offering SEO Training:
Google is now offering SEO training in collaboration with Coursera, but why I'm not calling it Google SEO certification?
The reason is that Google is offering it under its Digital Marketing & E-commerce Certification program, not separately.
Go here to learn more about Google SEO certification
Request for removal of personal information from search:
With this new update of Google - When people find personal contact information such as a phone number, email address, or physical address in Search results, they can now request that it be removed. When additional information, such as confidential log-in credentials, appears in Search results, the policy allows for the removal of that information.
Read the ful news here.
Google’s John Mueller Again reminded that meta tags not used for ranking:
Here is the question of a user and John Mueller answer:
Question asked:
“Does adding the location name in the meta description matter to Google in terms of ranking if the content quality is maintained?”
John Mueller answer:
“So the meta description is primarily used as a snippet in the search results page.
And that’s not something that we would use for ranking.
But obviously, having a good snippet on a search results page, that can make it more interesting for people to actually visit your page when they see your page ranking in the search results.”
With this answer John Mueller again trying to remind that meta tags not used for ranking
Thank you for reading